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Laguna Beach Wrestling


Q: Is wrestling the hardest sport?

A: According to ESPN who ranked 60 sports with a panel of experts, a group made up of sports scientists from the United States Olympic Committee and academicians who study the science of muscles and movement. Pound for pound they ranked wrestling the #2 1v1 toughest sport in the world, with boxing being #1


Q: Why is wrestling important?

A: Wrestling builds character, teaches kids how to overcome obstacles, handle their emotions, respect authority, the importance of being a good teammate, and that success has to be earned through hard work and determination.Read more


Q: How wrestling works?

A: The main objective of wrestling is for the player to pin their opponent onto their back. A pin is classified as pinning your opponent onto their back with any part of the shoulders onto the mat for two seconds. If no one is pinned during a match, then the wrestler with the most points at the end of the match wins. Read more


Q: What are the weight classes of high school wrestling?

A: The current male high school wrestling weight classes which are still in place today are 106 (pounds), 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 160, 170, 182, 195, 220 and 285. The current female high school wrestling weight classes are 101 (pounds), 109, 116, 123, 130, 136, 143, 155, 170, 191, and 235. Read more


Q: What should I wear to practice?

A: T-shirt, shorts/sweats and wrestling shoes. Headgear is optional at practice. For our local wrestling gear vender visit Wrestling Mart Irvine


Q: Will wrestling make me stronger?

A: Wrestling uses the entire body and develops many of the fundamental movement skills such as: agility, balance, coordination, flexibility, speed, strength, stamina and mental fitness. This makes wrestling the perfect foundation for all other sports. Read more


Q: What is a dual? 

A: Dual meets are competitions between two teams. Each team enters one wrestler per weight class, and he or she wrestles an opponent in that weight class from the other team. Team scoring is the idea behind dual meets, and the winning wrestler is awarded three to six points depending on the nature of the win. Read more


Q: Will wrestling help my Brazilian Jiu Jitsu?

A: Wrestling can help you develop your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu game and takedowns, it can help you develop your base and tenacity, it can increase your awareness and cardio, and overall it will make you better as a martial artist. Read more


Q: Why wrestling is the best sport?

A: Wrestling is perhaps the purest form of athletic competition to exist in the realm of organized sports. There are no bats or balls, or pucks or sticks. No pads or helmets or jerseys. There’s no time to rethink strategy, regroup, or even to catch your breath. There’s only you, and your opponent of equal weight and size. Experience, preparation and the will to succeed will determine the victor. There’s no doubt about it, wrestling tops the list of intense, highly-competitive sports. Read more


Q: How wrestling points are scored?

A: The score is based on the number of seconds a wrestler is held in this position. For instance, if a wrestler is held with his back off of the mat in an exposed position for two seconds, the offensive wrestler will earn two points with a potential to earn up to four points for four seconds. Read more



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